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Brief Information about the Nov '08 CSIG Meeting

Guest Speaker - Manny Goyenechea

iScript - Powerful Templating Markup Language


Welcome to the CSIG, a Special Interest Group of the ACGNJ. This is an exciting time for all programming languages, but we are now advancing to a higher level where scripting languages can be used to create code in C++ as well as many other languages.

This month Manuel Goyenechea will be giving a presentation on how to use iScript, an open source platform independent, object-oriented, dynamically typed, scripting, markup programming language that he has been working on, to improve productivity, code abstraction, quality and consistency. Here's a brief abstract from Manny about the meeting topic.

For these who have not heard about iScript, it is a markup language that generates source code. Although iScript presently is written in Java in the past he has ported prior releases to .NET! Too bad Microsoft is getting rid of J#, it makes it much easier, but going from Java to C# is not too bad, basically some syntax changes and class name / method changes...

iScript is an open source object oriented scripting language written in Java that mixes the best of Java Script, Visual Basic Script, PHP, Python, Perl and other scripting languages in rich new ways.

iScript is also a simple, yet powerful template based markup language and preprocessor that can be used to generate source code, object-relational (OR) mappings, xml, html and other dynamic, data driven content from simple templates and scripts.

But it does not end there, iScript is also a general purpose scripting language that has full seamless access to Java objects and methods. When combined with a Servlet engine like Tomcat for Web development iScript can be used to generate dynamically content.

Basically Manny will be talking about his work during the past year. He will show iScript, it's a new object oriented scripting / programming language. go over the language syntax, discuss things, like source code generation, which it's good for. And get people's feedback and where to go from here.

Sample Code

C Style : jshello.se
class MainClass
    static main()
        @out.println("hello " + @args[1]);

Basic Script Style: vbhello.se
class MainClass
    function static main()
        @out.println("hello " + @args(2))
    end function
end class

ASP / JSP Style: hello.isp
    <head><title>Test Form</title></head>
        <h1>Hello <%=@args[1]%></h1>

Alternative Style: hello2.isp
    <head><title>Test Form</title></head>
        <h1>Hello ${@args(2)}</h1>

"Random Access" questions start at 7:30 Tuesday night.

Manny's BLOG



Audio Transcript of Meeting (2 Hrs.)

For help, email me at b a r n o l d @ i e e e . o r g
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